Saturday, April 11, 2009

Coming Soon

The process.......

I am heading to the studio today, with camera in hand, in hopes of getting some good pictures of what I do.

After all, glassblowing is pretty darn cool. And, it inevitabely invites the question "how did you do that?" Much of what I do is based on ancient techniques. I just add my own spin to those techniques. Feel free to tell me what you'd like to learn.......
I'll start with the journey of a Sea Stone. To my customers, these seem to be pretty mysterious......
(and as we learned from previous posts, everyone loves a good mystery).
But before that can happen, I will share some stories about my Glass career, and provide a little insight and education about the studio, glassblowing, and what I make.

1 comment:

Eight Women Dream said...

Your work is lovely. We need to add you to our blog roll! Happy Easter.