Saturday, September 12, 2009


Olivia on the day I brought her home.

Just over 4 years ago, I adopted Olivia from the Warwick Shelter. I'll be honest, it was not a match made in Heaven......we had a rocky start, but with A LOT of patience, hard work, and a good dog trainer, we survived.

Now, she's not perfect.....she still likes to pull on the leash, eat stuff she's not supposed to, and *occasionally* ignore my commands, but I love her. Man, do I love her.

And we have some things in commom. Besides our mutual love of peanut butter, Olivia and I also share an affinity for Glass. As you know, I'm a glassblower.....I like to make things with it. Olivia seems to enjoy stepping on it, cutting her paws, and requiring emergency trips to the Vet.

(not at the glass way is she allowed there! She *finds* it while running around some local parks).

Three times we have rushed to the vet. Twice she required sedation, many stitches, and 3+ weeks of recovery. Not fun. I repeat.....not fun. For either of us.

It was after the first Vet visit (and Vet bill) in 2006, that I looked at her, and told her "she needed to start earning her keep". She just stared at me, unresponsive.

As I stared back, my brain started turning with ideas........and the ideas quickly became products. Mostly centered around sandblasting Paw Prints on glass, I added those designs to Sea Stones, ornaments and magnets.

Now, 3 years later, Dog and Cat themed items are a major part of my work. Good Dog and Good Kitty magnets have become a top seller at my craft shows and in my Etsy shop. And as I continue to expand the designs available for the Leash hooks, they continue to sell well.

The moral of the story? There are two.
First, inspiration is everywhere.
Second, necessity is the mother of invention.

And it looks like Olivia has earned her keep. *phew*

1 comment:

Sigmosaics said...

Oh it is lovely to see a photo of Olivia .. I see your tweets sometimes about taking her for a run or walk! She's adorable .. you are a wonderful lady to have rescued her.